If you can't help us monetarily but you have coding skills and feel like contributing please open a pull request on git hub or fork our code. You can also email us at developers@hdprojects.dev if you want to be a co-contrubitor. We also need as much code testing as you can get so testing our code and submitting bug reports or debug data also really helps us
Donations are essential for open source projects like us as server,domain,software and hosting costs have to be paid for out of pocket as we dont have any income. You can also Donate using Brave's tipping feature. We will use the donations to pay for a domain and buy important equiptment for our robotics team
Venmo Donations
Bitcoin Also Accepted
Send us a cdontribution at
Your donation goes to fund our open source software project and pay for things like
These donations are essential to our projects and help us spread FOSS (free and open source) software to as many people as we can. Without these essential donations it is harder to spread our software to more people and we can't afford premium software tools which increase the quality of our work.